Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moved to new blog http://sherlynchew.blogspot.com

I'm moving my posts to a new blog: http://sherlynchew.blogspot.com
Finally, I'm able to register for this username.

First post of happyshe: http://happyshe.blogspot.com/2007/04/my-page.html

Till then, take care ya and do visit my new blog there.
I've managed to export all the previous posts from this blog to the new space there.

Hello, I'm Big Head ^_^

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dessert temptations

Yes, I've grown fatter nowadays, with all these sweet temptations, it's definitely very hard to resist.
Omg, in order to have more of all these, I'll need to get my butt to gym and exercise more often.
I promised myself to go for a jog tomorrow, no excuses. :)

Ritz Cake - Deluxe Tiramisu

Paddington House of Pancakes - Mini pancake sundae

Hui Lau San - Mango Sago

Chocolate Passion - Signature Hot Chocolate

Chocolate Passion - Handmade Chocolates

Haegen Dazs - Midnight Cookies & Cream

McDonald - Oreo McFlurry

Chatime - Matcha Red Bean Smoothie

Dominos - Banana Kaya Dessert